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How to Grow Angel Trumpet Plants

Angel trumpet, also known as brugmansia, is a woody perennial named for its distinctive trumpet-shaped flowers. The plant is hardy in USDA zones 10 through 11, as it cannot tolerate freezing temperatures. Angel trumpet plants produce pink or white flowers during spring, summer and fall. The plants are heavy feeders and require large amounts of fertilizer and water to flower and thrive.

Plant angel trumpet during late spring in a location that receives partial sunlight throughout the day. Spread 1 inch of aged manure over the planting site and use a garden tiller to incorporate it into the soil to increase fertility. Space angel trumpet plants at least 10 feet apart.

  • Angel trumpet, also known as brugmansia, is a woody perennial named for its distinctive trumpet-shaped flowers.
  • Angel trumpet plants produce pink or white flowers during spring, summer and fall.

Dig a hole of equal depth and twice as wide as the plant's root ball. Place the root ball directly into the hole and refill with soil. Water after planting to collapse air pockets in the soil and bring moisture into contact with the root system.

Water angel trumpet plants once each day during spring and summer months. Reduce the frequency of watering during fall and winter to once per week, allowing the soil to dry slightly between applications.

Feed angel trumpet plants twice per week during the spring, summer and fall months. Use an all-purpose 10-10-10 NPK fertilizer to provide balanced nutrition. Apply following the manufacturer's instructions for proper dosage.

  • Dig a hole of equal depth and twice as wide as the plant's root ball.
  • Reduce the frequency of watering during fall and winter to once per week, allowing the soil to dry slightly between applications.

Prune angel trumpet during late winter, just before new growth begins in spring. Use pruning shears to remove limbs that are excessively long, damaged or diseased to improve aesthetic appeal and conserve nutrients.


Grow angel trumpet plants in a container in USDA hardiness zones 1 through 9 so the plant can easily be transferred indoors before the first frost. Follow the same care instructions for outdoor plants for the best results.


Angel trumpet flowers are extremely toxic and should not be ingested at any time, as serious illness or death can occur.

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