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How to Prune Pachysandra

Pachysandra may be a slow starter, but by the third year, it will spread out and create a mass of deep green evergreen foliage. It’s a hardy plant, and an ideal groundcover for problem areas, including poor soil and dense shade. Once pachysandra is established it requires virtually no assistance, but an occasional pruning can keep it looking its healthy best.

Revitalize pachysandra every four to six years by clipping it with a lawn mower. This will prevent the plant from becoming too stringy, and will encourage it to fill in any sparse areas. Mow the pachysandra with the mower set at its highest setting.

Prune pachysandra as needed to keep it looking neat. Clip any growth that has become too long, and trim around sidewalks, driveways or steps with hand clippers, or with a weed trimmer.

  • Pachysandra may be a slow starter, but by the third year, it will spread out and create a mass of deep green evergreen foliage.
  • Once pachysandra is established it requires virtually no assistance, but an occasional pruning can keep it looking its healthy best.

Rake up the clippings and throw them in the compost pile. Water the pachysandra when you’re finished.

Mow Pachysandra

Mow pachysandra beds in early spring after the last predicted frost for your area and before new growth emerges. Set your mower as high as possible. These plants often suffer weather burn in colder climates. A good early springtime mowing encourages branching and serves to rejuvenate pachysandra, greatly improving its appearance for the remainder of the year. Apply granular pre-emergent herbicide. You must do this before any weed seeds begin sprouting for maximum effectiveness. Follow the packaging instructions carefully. Remove dead leaves from pachysandra foliage with a grass rake as needed throughout the growing season. It also enhances the plant’s appearance and keeps it looking tidy. Trim out dead or damaged stems as they occur.

  • Rake up the clippings and throw them in the compost pile.
  • Remove dead leaves from pachysandra foliage with a grass rake as needed throughout the growing season.

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