Are Mimosa Trees Poisonous to Dogs?

True mimosas are herbaceous or shrublike plants. The mimosa tree is Albizia julibrissin; it is also known as a silk tree. Mimosa trees are marked by multiple trunks and pink, silky flowers. Their green leaves grow 20 inches or longer. Owners trying to keep their pets safe may wonder if these tropical trees are safe for their dogs to ingest.
While mimosa trees are not fingered by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals as toxic to dogs, studies conducted on the tree's seed pods found them toxic to livestock. The seed pods contain neurotoxins known as gingkotoxin.
The Minnesota Poison Control System lists the silk tree as nontoxic to pets, but cautions pet owners that reactions can occur in certain animals. The University of California Cooperative Extension urges pet owners to tread carefully: if a plant is toxic to humans or other animals, err on the side of caution when deciding to seek treatment.
There is no cited research on the symptoms of mimosa tree poisoning in dogs. Symptoms of gingkotoxin poisoning in livestock can include stomach upset, uncoordinated movements, lack of energy, coma, seizure and death.
- "Isolation, Characterization and Synthesis of Bioactive Natural Products From Rainforest Flora"; John Michael Berger; 2001
- "What Tree Is That?: A Guide to the More Common Trees Found in North America"; Arbor Day Foundation; 2009
- "Small Animal Toxicology"; Michael Edward Peterson, Patricia A. Talcott; 2006
Writer Bio
Elizabeth Tumbarello has been writing since 2006, with her work appearing on various websites. She is an animal lover who volunteers with her local Humane Society. Tumbarello attended Hocking College and is pursuing her Associate of Applied Science in veterinary technology from San Juan College.