How to Create Your Own Backyard Putting Green

Consider adding a patio built around your putting green. Use landscape edging to frame in the patio and along the outsides of your putting green. Use patio pavers to fill in the area between the landscape edging. To make your putting green usable in the after dusk hours, consider adding a few landscape lights around the perimeter.
Improve your golf game and add value to your house all in one swing with a backyard putting green. While it is possible to create your own backyard putting green with real turf, synthetic is frequently the more favorable option. With synthetic turf you don't have to worry about maintenance like you would with natural turf. There is no need to trim the synthetic turf or keep it watered, and it's extremely durable. Properly installed, your synthetic turf can handle rain, snow and heat without worry!
Decide how big you want your putting green and select a shape. Also figure out how many holes you want your putting green to have. A green smaller than 12 to 15 feet square does not require seams.
Find a level location for your putting green that does not accumulate water and clear the area to match the size of the putting green you have selected.
Draw an outline of the putting green in your cleared location with masonry chalk or landscape spray paint..
Dig out a minimum of 4 inches of dirt in your putting green location. Make sure to keep this area flat, or with a slope of no more than 2 percent, once the dirt has been removed.
Add a layer of crushed gravel to the putting green area. Compact the gravel with a tamper or lawn roller until it's evenly smooth. Using gravel helps with drainage issues on your putting green.
Add a layer of limestone or stone dust over the gravel and compact it until it's flat and level.
Dig the holes for the cups with a small trowel. Once the holes are dug, use fast drying concrete to "glue" the cups into the substrate, ensuring they are flush with its top surface.
Carefully lay the putting green on top of the gravel and limestone base. Use sod staples to keep the putting green in place.
Brush the surfaces of the synthetic green back and forth with a push broom to open up the fibers. Load a drop spreader with sand and put down a layer of sand all across the green. This helps the fibers stand up better and absorbs the shock of balls hit on the green. Some artificial turf suppliers also sell green or black sand that can be used on top of standard white sand to give the turf a more lush look.
Feel along the turf for the holes you installed in the substrate. Cut an "X" into each hole with a utility knife and carefully trim along the inner edge of each cup with scissors.
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