Natural Ways to Repel Wasps With Essential Oils

When attempting to control wasps and other pests, you should use pesticide only as a last resort because of its toxicity. Even pesticides manufactured and labeled "less toxic" may still harm pets, children and the environment. Instead of pesticides, you can use essential oils to repel wasps. A variety of essential oils work effectively to repel wasps and other insects, keeping crops, families and pets safe.
Eucalyptus Oil
Although eucalyptus plants repel wasps when placed in the ground, this method is not the most effective. The oil works better when applied directly to the skin or the ground or area where wasps reside. If applying to the skin, dilute it with water. Eucalyptus oil when mixed with other essential oils including lavender oil will work more effectively to deter wasps.
Citronella Oil
Citronella oil, commonly used to repel mosquitoes, will work to repel wasps and other insects, although frequent application is necessary. The oil works more effectively than plants, although several plants placed into the ground in an area where wasps reside may repel them somewhat.
Clove Oil
Eugenol, commonly called clove oil, works quickly on contact to deter several insects, including wasps. The oil is safe to apply directly to plants and is safe to apply to the skin after being diluted in water. The scent of cloves will remain, but clove oil does not have any other residual effects. For easy application, dilute with water and add to a plastic spray bottle. The solution, safely sprayed on plants, will need reapplication to ensure maximum protection.
Mint Oil
Spearmint and other mints can be grown alongside tomatoes and other vegetable plants to repel wasps and other insects. Mint leaves and mint oil make an eco-friendly alternative to pesticides to kill wasps and other insects including hornets, cockroaches and ants. Mint prefers a location featuring a lot of sun, but will grow easily in nearly any environment.
Writer Bio
Lynn Hartz has been writing technical and psychological journals since 1975. Lynn has a master's degree in psychology and English from the University of Arizona in Tucson. She went on to earn a Ph.D in psychotherapy from the Union Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio.