The Largest Apple Varieties

Apples come in a variety of colors including red, green and yellow. If you want to make a 9-inch pie with a double crust, you'll need about 2 lbs. of fruit. While many people know the saying, "as American as apple pie" the only apple tree native to the United States is the crab apple, which is also among the smallest varieties. According to the Guinness World Book of Records, Chissato Iwaski discovered the heaviest apple in Hirosaki, Japan in 2005. It weighed in at over 4 lbs.
Baldwin apples grow large, being ready to harvest in mid to late season. This apple originated in Wyoming county, New York. While the Baldwin doesn't keep well it is very sweet. The Baldwin apple tree isn't very hardy and typically not recommended as a cultivar.
- Apples come in a variety of colors including red, green and yellow.
- While many people know the saying, "as American as apple pie" the only apple tree native to the United States is the crab apple, which is also among the smallest varieties.
Cameo apples are another large fruit with red and yellow coloring. It ripens late in the season. Cameo is relatively new to the market, having been introduced in 1998. It's prized for the sweet flavor and great crunch.
Cortland apples have a dull red coloration. The New York State Agricultural Department developed this apple in 1898. Cortland apples are a cross between McIntosh and Ben Davis apples.
- Cameo apples are another large fruit with red and yellow coloring.
- Cortland apples are a cross between McIntosh and Ben Davis apples.
Hokuto apples are a bi-product between Fuji apples and Mutsu apples. They're relatively large and sweet, and ready for harvest late in the season. The Hokuto tree grows up to 30 feet high.
Northern Spy
Northern Spy trees produce large fruit that mature mid to late season and store very well. The Northern Spy offers a high Vitamin C content and a great crunch.
Peasgood's Nonesuch
Peasgood's Nonesuch is possibly the biggest apple, typically weighing as much as 1 lb. each. It's favored for cooking. The tree comes from Lincolnshire, England, and dates back to the late 1800s.
- Hokuto apples are a bi-product between Fuji apples and Mutsu apples.
- Northern Spy trees produce large fruit that mature mid to late season and store very well.
Bramley's Seedling
Bramley's Seedling apples also originate in Nottinghamshire, England. They were originally raised in the early 1800s by Betty Brailsford, whose family later continued cultivating it. The fruit is large and suitable as a cooking or baking apple.
Crimson King
Crimson King tree spreads out like a Bramley and provides a large, high-acid fruit. Some growers like using it for cider.
Other Varieties
Other apple varieties that produce big fruits include the Jonagold, developed at Cornell University in 1953, Braeburn apples discovered in the 1950s in New Zealand, and the Goldrush apple, first planted at Purdue's Horticulture Research Farm in 1973.
Writer Bio
Patricia Telesco has been a writer since 1992. She has produced more than 60 books with publishers that include HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster. Her articles have appeared in "Woman's World" and "National Geographic Today." Telesco holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Buffalo.