How to Seal Outdoor Statues

Outdoor statues can come in a variety of materials including concrete, marble and bronze. The statues will experience natural weathering and develop an antiqued or patina look over time. If you don't seal the statue, it will begin to erode. Extreme hot and cold weather takes its toll on stone. Applying the proper sealant will protect the statue from crumbling due to exposure to sun, wind and rain.
Concrete and Stone Statues
Wait for a dry day to seal your statue, with no rain forecast for 48 hours after sealing.
Fill a bucket with water and enough liquid dish soap to create suds. Dip a soft sponge or soft-bristled scrub brush into the soapy water and gently wash the statue from top to bottom.
Rinse off the statue with water from the hose and let the statue dry completely for 24 hours.
Dip a paintbrush into an exterior masonry sealer and paint the concrete or stone statue in smooth, even strokes. Start at the top of the statue and work down to the bottom. Don't paint the underside of the statue with sealer. Let the statue dry for 24 hours.
Bronze Statues
Wash the statue in the same manner as the concrete or stone statue. Let it dry completely for 24 hours.
Dip a clean, soft cloth into a can of clear paste wax. Rub the wax onto the bronze statue, starting at the top. Rub on the wax in a thin, even layer and let it dry for 20 minutes.
Buff the waxed statue with a second clean, soft cloth, by rubbing the dry wax layer until shiny. Repeat the wax application and buffing to add a second coat.
Writer Bio
Based in Richmond, Va., Dawn Gibbs writes about topics such as history, fashion, literature, crafts, alternative medicine and healthy living. Her work has appeared on and several style websites. Gibbs holds a Bachelor of Arts in history from Virginia Commonwealth University.