How to Clean a Diamond Blade

Diamond blades are used with saws that are going to be cutting hard materials such as concrete, bricks, blocks and stones. Used in either wet or dry sawing applications, these blades are made with a metal and diamond crystal mixture. The diamond crystals provide an extremely hard grinding agent that can cut through almost anything while still maintaining their structure. Make sure to clean the blade properly to preserve its cutting potential.
Examine your diamond blade to make sure the blade isn't worn, but simply needs cleaning. If the diamond segments that were embedded in your blade are now worn down to almost nothing, you will need a new blade. Cleaning it will not fully restore an old, worn out blade. If, however, the blade is gummed up from whatever you are cutting, cleaning will help.
- Diamond blades are used with saws that are going to be cutting hard materials such as concrete, bricks, blocks and stones.
- If, however, the blade is gummed up from whatever you are cutting, cleaning will help.
Find a piece of cement or concrete that is large enough to run your blade on. Make sure the piece belongs to no one and is available for this type of use.
Plug in the saw and activate the motor so the blade is rotating on full power. Make some shallow cuts into the cement or concrete. Use at least a few different angles. Ten to 20 seconds should be sufficient for cleaning your diamond blade so it works like a new saw.
Cutting Wood With A Diamond Blade Hurt It?
Diamond saw blades are made with teeth that have been coated in a strong carbon grit mixture. Diamond blades are usually designed for these tough materials. Trying to cut wood with a diamond saw might not lead to good results. You will not need to worry about damaging the diamond saw blade itself. These blades are made to withstand stone materials. The danger is in how the diamond blade treats the wood itself. The harsh grit of the diamond blade can cut tile and masonry with straight lines. Carbide-tipped saw blades are designed especially for wood. These are similar to diamond saw blades, but are designed with teeth and coatings that will make it easier to cut wood, especially hardwoods. For example, fiber cement board comes in planks and might resemble wood, but it is actually made from cementitious materials. Diamond saws work well when cutting fiber cement and similar materials for construction products.
- Find a piece of cement or concrete that is large enough to run your blade on.
- These are similar to diamond saw blades, but are designed with teeth and coatings that will make it easier to cut wood, especially hardwoods.
There is no need use soap, water or cleaning brushes to clean these blades.
- There is no need use soap, water or cleaning brushes to clean these blades.