Foods That Come From Vines

There are a variety of foods that grow on the vine, with the majority of them falling in the fruit category. This includes watermelon, kiwi, tomatoes, grapes, honeydew melon and passion fruit, just to name a few. The vines can grow along the ground, often sprawling out over other vegetation, as with the tomato plant and watermelon, or can also be trained to grow upright along an arbor such as grape vines.
Tomatoes are often considered a vegetable for culinary purposes but, in reality, they are a red fruit which grows on a vine. Tomato plants generally grow from 3 to 10 feet in height but not upright; instead, the plant has a weak steam that vines over the ground and often covers other plants. There are many varieties of tomatoes such as cherry, plum, grape and campari. They are often picked green and will continue to ripen in storage.
- There are a variety of foods that grow on the vine, with the majority of them falling in the fruit category.
- Tomatoes are often considered a vegetable for culinary purposes but, in reality, they are a red fruit which grows on a vine.
The kiwifruit, often just called the kiwi, is an edible fruit about the size of an egg that grows on the woody vine known as the Actinidia deliciosa. The fruit has a dull brown, fuzzy skin and bright green flesh with tiny black edible seeds. It is usually eaten raw or added to gelatin dishes and is a rich source of vitamin C.
Grapes are a perennial fruit that grow on a woody vine and can be eaten raw, or used for making wine, juice, jam, jelly and raisins. Grapes grow in clusters of anywhere from 10 to 300 fruits and come in a variety of colors such as red, black, yellow, green and dark blue. There are many types of North American grapes such as the Concord grape, often used in wine, and the Muscadine, used more often in jams.
Watermelon grows on a vine-like scrambler plant which covers the ground. Watermelon is originally from southern Africa and is one of the most common types of melon. The melons can be round or oblong in shape and vary in size. The outside rind is usually green but can sometimes be yellow or white, depending on the variety. Watermelon has a juicy, sweet interior with pink, orange, red or yellow flesh. It is usually eaten raw but can also be used in gelatin dishes, in fruit salad and to make wine.
- The kiwifruit, often just called the kiwi, is an edible fruit about the size of an egg that grows on the woody vine known as the Actinidia deliciosa.
- It is usually eaten raw or added to gelatin dishes and is a rich source of vitamin C. Grapes are a perennial fruit that grow on a woody vine and can be eaten raw, or used for making wine, juice, jam, jelly and raisins.
Writer Bio
Nicholas Nesler has worked in journalism for over 10 years as a reporter, photo editor and sports editor. Nesler has written for "The Batesville Guard" and the "Paragould Daily Press." His awards include the '07 FOI award from the APME. He received his bachelor's degree in journalism at Arkansas State University, Jonesboro and his master's degree in education at the University of Central Arkansas.