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What Kills Asian Jasmine

The good news for gardeners interested in growing the evergreen groundcover Asiatic Jasmine is that the plant is very resilient, tolerating drought and even sprayings with Roundup (to kill other weeds) when it is well established. This is also the bad news for those who are trying to rid their gardens of Asiatic Jasmine, which can be a nuisance plant that crowds out native plants.


Extreme winter weather may kill Asiatic Jasmine. The plant is hardy only to United States Department of Agriculture zones 8 to 10, where temperatures generally do not get below 10 degrees Fahrenheit, so long periods of freezing temperatures may be enough to put an end to Asiatic jasmine. The plant can, however, withstand average winter temperatures in its preferred zones.


While a diluted mixture of Roundup with 1 oz. of herbicide per gallon of water will kill weeds while leaving Asiatic jasmine intact, more powerful herbicides may be effective at killing the plant. The University of Tennessee Extension recommends Imazaquin, sold under the name Image.

  • The good news for gardeners interested in growing the evergreen groundcover Asiatic Jasmine is that the plant is very resilient, tolerating drought and even sprayings with Roundup (to kill other weeds) when it is well established.


Cutting Asiatic jasmine back to the ground by hand may be a back-breaking but ultimately rewarding effort. Repeatedly cutting back as much as the plant as possible will eventually kill it, while pulling up the plant down to the root also will produce results, according to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. These methods may need to be repeated every few days to be effective.


Prevent an invasion of your yard by unwanted plants by investigating plants carefully before you buy them. The University of Texas at Austin urges consumers to not take the word of a salesperson but do the research themselves before buying and planting a plant that could be difficult to get rid of when it takes over.

Rid Of Asian Jasmine

Cut the Asiatic jasmine plants to ground level in order to weaken the plant. Use pruning shears or a weed whacker, but not a mower, as this can encourage propagation by spreading chopped plant material. Dig up as many roots as possible, loosening them with a rake or rototiller and then pulling them out of the ground by hand. Seal the roots in plastic bags.

  • Cutting Asiatic jasmine back to the ground by hand may be a back-breaking but ultimately rewarding effort.
  • The University of Texas at Austin urges consumers to not take the word of a salesperson but do the research themselves before buying and planting a plant that could be difficult to get rid of when it takes over.

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