Can Azaleas Take Full Sun?

Azaleas are flowering shrubs from the rhododendron family that reach 4 to 6 feet tall at maturity. Known for their sensitivity to growing conditions, azaleas need proper location and care to thrive.
Most azaleas prefer partial sun, but some do well in full sun. Placing most azaleas in full sun leads to scorching and leaf burn. Flower colors also bleach out quickly in full sun.
Deciduous azaleas tolerate sun better than evergreen varieties, according to University of Missouri Extension. The Piedmont azalea, an American variety, grows well in full sun.
- Azaleas are flowering shrubs from the rhododendron family that reach 4 to 6 feet tall at maturity.
- Most azaleas prefer partial sun, but some do well in full sun.
Azaleas do best in wind-protected areas without early morning winter sun, so avoid planting sites on the southern side of homes. This is true even of hardier varieties that survive colder climates.
Sun Do Azaleas Need?
The azalea is a flowering shrub related to the rhododendron. This type of shade is provided by trees that sway or blow in the wind, offering sun one moment and shade the next to azaleas. With too much shade, the plant does not flower. Azaleas, hybridized for hundreds of years, offer varieties for most climate zones. Some are more shade or more sun tolerant depending on the cultivar. The University of Illinois recommends azaleas such as the Flame Azalea that tolerates partial to full shade. Other hybrids are based on this azalea.
- Azaleas do best in wind-protected areas without early morning winter sun, so avoid planting sites on the southern side of homes.
- The University of Illinois recommends azaleas such as the Flame Azalea that tolerates partial to full shade.
- Ohio State University Extension: Growing Rhododendrons and Azaleas in Ohio
- Iowa State University Extension: Selecting and Growing Rhododendrons and Azaleas in Iowa
- University of Missouri Extension: Growing Azaleas and Rhododendrons
- Brooklyn Botanic Garden: American Azaleas: Splendid Shrubs That Provide an Entire Season of Delights
- Azalea Society of America
- University of California Cooperative Extension: Evergreen Azaleas
- University of Illinois: Selecting Shrubs for Your Home