My Snowball Bush Doesn't Bloom

The specific bloom times for "snowball bushes"—a name that most often refers to viburnums—vary by species, ranging from late April to early June. If a snowball bush isn’t covered with blooms during its appointed time, one factor or more may be to blame.
Three varieties of viburnum—European viburnum (Viburnum opulus roseum), Japanese viburnum (V. plicatum) and Chinese viburnum (V. macrocephalum)— display snowball-like flowers. They produce white, globular flowers for a week to 10 days each spring.
Environmental Considerations
Viburnum buds form in the fall and survive cold weather wrapped in thick sepals. A few early warm days or a late freeze confuses the shrub’s natural sense of timing. Depending on the timing and duration, the variation may either reduce or eliminate blooming. Too much shade will also limit blooming. Viburnum needs at least six hours of sun each day.
- The specific bloom times for "snowball bushes"—a name that most often refers to viburnums—vary by species, ranging from late April to early June.
Cultural Factors
Viburnum, like other spring bloomers, must be pruned immediately following blooming. Fall and spring pruning remove the wood and buds necessary for the plant’s spring blooms. They may also not bloom the first year after they have been planted. Renewal pruning in spring will limit blooms for several years. Too much nitrogen may also limit blooms by forcing foliar growth. Garden fertilizer with little or no nitrogen is recommended.
Snowball Bush Doesn't Bloom
Snowball bush tolerates a range of light levels. The shrub stays healthy in full sun to part shade, but sunlight influences blooms. Too much shade means few or no blooms. If your snowball bush is planted in a shaded location, this may be why it won't flower. Slightly acidic soil pH frees up those nutrients the shrub needs to thrive. An annual acid-building mulch such as peat moss or shredded pine bark helps keep pH low. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers in particular. Improper pruning can leave snowball bush bloomless. Prune at another time of year and you will prune away your flower buds.
- Viburnum, like other spring bloomers, must be pruned immediately following blooming.
- Too much nitrogen may also limit blooms by forcing foliar growth.
- University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service: Plant of the Week Snowball Viburnum
- Harvard University Arnold Arboretum: Flowering Times in Viburnum
- Gary Ladman; Viburnum Expert, Classic Viburnums; Upland, Nebraska
- Sunset Plant Finder: Viburnum Opulus "Roseum" -- Common Snowball
- Classic Viburnums: Viburnum Opulus "Roseum" -- European Snowball Viburnum
- National Gardening Association: Pruning a Viburnum
- University of California Sonoma County Master Gardeners: Autumn Glow - A Photo Essay
Writer Bio
An avid perennial gardener and old house owner, Laura Reynolds has had careers in teaching and juvenile justice. A retired municipal judgem Reynolds holds a degree in communications from Northern Illinois University. Her six children and stepchildren served as subjects of editorials during her tenure as a local newspaper editor.