Is Cyclamen an Annual or Perennial Plant?

Cyclamen is a Mediterranean plant that grows from a perennial bulb. This flower produces masses of blossoms in pink, red, purple and white. Cyclamen go dormant after blossoming in order to replenish their energy for another round of flowering.
Perennials are plants that grow, go dormant and then regrow from the underground roots. This type of plant lives for years with the right care. As they go through their yearly cycle, perennials either produce seeds or grow larger around the base of the plant.
Cyclamen goes dormant during the hot summer months. As the weather cools off, this plant produces foliage followed by an outbreak of blossoms. The bulb under the ground gives the plants the resources to survive during the summer.
- Cyclamen is a Mediterranean plant that grows from a perennial bulb.
- The bulb under the ground gives the plants the resources to survive during the summer.
Cyclamen leaves turn yellow and fall off the plant as it goes into dormancy. At this point, this perennial is resting and not dead. Place the cyclamen plant in a shady area until new growth appears, then move it to a bright area.
Trim A Cyclamen Plant
Prune dead, yellowed and dying leaves as soon as they appear, clipping them close to the base of the plant, and clear away all debris from fallen plant matter to keep the cyclamen healthy. Hold the base of each flower stem between the fingers, and twist it to pull the stems away from the crown. Prune away all dead plant material during the summer dormant period, leaving only the buried tuber. Discard all dead leaves at the base of the plant.
- Cyclamen leaves turn yellow and fall off the plant as it goes into dormancy.
- Prune away all dead plant material during the summer dormant period, leaving only the buried tuber.
Writer Bio
Karen Carter spent three years as a technology specialist in the public school system and her writing has appeared in the "Willapa Harbor Herald" and the "Rogue College Byline." She has an Associate of Arts from Rogue Community College with a certificate in computer information systems.