How to Grow Grass in Florida

Florida: Land of sunshine, relaxation and fun! Nothing says sunshine and relaxation better than a lush, green lawn. Well, except for maybe a beach. If you would like to add grass to your property in Florida, there are some things you need to consider before you get started. Growing grass in Florida is easy if you take the following things into consideration.
Select the proper grass species. This is very important. Some species of grass will not grow well in certain areas of Florida. You need to decide if you want a hardy grass, a showy grass, a grass that can stand up well to traffic, or a species that will grow well in the shade. Think about how much sun your yard gets, and what your grass will be used for, and then visit your nearest garden center to talk to an expert who will help you choose the correct grass seed. Common types of grass in Florida include Bahia and Bermuda grass.
Test the pH level of the soil to see if it is acidic or alkaline. Ideally, the soil should have a pH level of between 6 and 7.5. If it is too high, you will have to add compost. Too low, and you should sprinkle lime over the top of it. Add the lime or compost when you add the fertilizer in the next step.

Prepare the soil. Remove any large rocks, dead grasses or weeds. Use a rototiller to loosen the soil. Apply a fertilizer and work it into the soil with the rototiller. Florida has a lot of bodies of water. If you are near water, you should apply only a small amount of fertilizer in order to keep from contaminating the water.
Use a rake to level out the ground. Install an underground irrigation system at this time, if you want one. After you are done raking, lightly water the soil.
Seed the lawn. Use a seed spreader to cover the area with seeds. In order to get maximum coverage, you will want to seed in every direction, going over the lawn area multiple times. After you have finished, cover the seeds with a small amount of soil, and water the seeds thoroughly, but with a light mist so as not to displace them. Keep the seeds moist until germination.
Sod is a good option if you want a quick lawn and don't have the time or patience to cultivate grass seed.
Grasses that grow well in tropical areas like Florida are also susceptible to fungus, so watch your grass carefully for signs of fungus, and treat accordingly.