How to Seed Bermuda Grass in Texas
Bermudagrass is a hot-weather plant that thrives in temperatures between 95 degrees F and 100 degrees F. Due to its ability to withstand harsh conditions, Bermudagrass has become the choice for sports fields and golf courses in Texas. According to Texas A&M University, the hardy perennial does extremely well for home lawns and green spaces. Spreading or broadcasting the seed will quickly propagate the grass.
Conduct a soil test to the area prior to any cultivation of the new Bermudagrass lawn. Contact your local agricultural extension service for their recommended soil test process and procedures. Generally soil tests will take approximately three weeks to six weeks before you have the results in your hands.
Work the new Bermudagrass lawn area with the rototiller. Average depth for seedbed preparation can be between 2 inches to 4 inches deep. The deeper the soil is cultivated, the better the turf roots of the Bermudagrass will be established. Remove all rocks and errant roots using the garden rake.
- Bermudagrass is a hot-weather plant that thrives in temperatures between 95 degrees F and 100 degrees F. Due to its ability to withstand harsh conditions, Bermudagrass has become the choice for sports fields and golf courses in Texas.
- The deeper the soil is cultivated, the better the turf roots of the Bermudagrass will be established.
Apply the recommended amount of nitrogen fertilizer, from the soil test results, to the cultivated soil. Typical applications of nitrogen fertilizer are approximately 1 pound per 1000 square feet of area. Mix the fertilizer into the ground using the rototiller. Bermudagrass can handle a large range in soil pH levels, between 6.5 and 8.0. A pH level below 6.5 should have agricultural limestone added into the soil prior to planting the seed. Follow the recommended amounts provided by the soil test results.
Broadcast the hulled Bermudagrass seed when temperatures exceed 65 degrees F. Application rates will average approximately 1 pound of seed per 1000 square feet of lawn area.
- Apply the recommended amount of nitrogen fertilizer, from the soil test results, to the cultivated soil.
- A pH level below 6.5 should have agricultural limestone added into the soil prior to planting the seed.
Irrigate the new seed with the garden hose and sprinkler between 0.1 inches to 0.3 inches of water per day. Local climate and conditions may dictate more or less water distribution.
Mow the Bermudagrass three weeks after planting to promote grass growth and control weeds.
There are two different types of seeds available, a hulled and unhulled seed. Hulled seeds are planted in early spring and summer, while unhulled seed is the best choice for fall and winter distribution. Unhulled Bermudagrass seed may require planting with an annual rye grass seed or wheat seed. The quick growing rye or wheat grass will hold the slower germinating unhulled seed in place.
- There are two different types of seeds available, a hulled and unhulled seed. Hulled seeds are planted in early spring and summer, while unhulled seed is the best choice for fall and winter distribution.
- Unhulled Bermudagrass seed may require planting with an annual rye grass seed or wheat seed. The quick growing rye or wheat grass will hold the slower germinating unhulled seed in place.