How to Care for a Potted Azalea

Potted azaleas are frequently sold and given as gifts, especially in spring for Mother's Day. These deciduous flowering shrubs are showy when in bloom but rather particular about their care once brought inside the home. Getting these greenhouse-grown shrubs to bloom indoors is not simple, according the University of Missouri Extension. But the diligent home gardener who is attentive to the plant's needs will be rewarded with a spectacular display of brightly colored flowers.
Find a cool location for your plant. Don't plop it down on a warm windowsill. Potted azaleas need consistent temperatures of between 60 and 65 degrees F, according to the University of Missouri.
- Potted azaleas are frequently sold and given as gifts, especially in spring for Mother's Day.
- Potted azaleas need consistent temperatures of between 60 and 65 degrees F, according to the University of Missouri.
Place your blooming plant in bright but indirect sunlight. Potted azaleas need a minimum of four hours of sun exposure a day. Avoid the direct rays of the sun. Placing the plant near, but not directly against, a window covered with a curtain to filter the light works well, or place the plant near a south-facing window.
Keep the soil moist at all times. Check it every day. If the top of the soil feels dry, water until water runs freely from the bottom of the pot. If the soil has been allowed to dry out, try plunging it into a bucket of water. Hold it there until it stops "bubbling," remove it and let it drain.
- Place your blooming plant in bright but indirect sunlight.
- If the soil has been allowed to dry out, try plunging it into a bucket of water.
Feed your potted azalea every other week with a balanced (10-10-10), water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring through summer). Follow the directions on the label according to the size of your plant.
Pick off the flowers once they have faded. Not only does this improve the appearance of the plant, but it prevents some diseases from developing, according to the University of Missouri.
Care For A Potted Topiary Azalea
Place the azalea in an area that receives full sunlight from September to March. Move it to a partial sun location during the spring and summer; a south-facing window is ideal. Move it to full sun in the winter. Water the azalea thoroughly until water drains from the bottom of the pot. Allow the excess water to drip out. Stop fertilizing during the fall and winter. Pinch back new shoots every two weeks during the spring and summer to maintain the plant's compact shape. Trim off any longer shoots that extend beyond the desired shape with sharp scissors or pruning shears. Avoid touching open flowers because it can cause them to wilt. Stop doing this once the pests are gone.
- Feed your potted azalea every other week with a balanced (10-10-10), water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring through summer).
- Water the azalea thoroughly until water drains from the bottom of the pot.
- University of Missouri Extension: Care of Flowering Potted Plants: Azalea
- University of Minnesota Extension: Care of Greenhouse Azaleas
- White Flower Farm: Cultural Instructions Topiary Azalea
- Pro Flowers: Azalea Care Tips
- Clemson Cooperative Extension: Viburnum Diseases & Insect Pests
- Wilson Bros. Nursery: Pruning Shrubs