How to Root Hardwood Gumi Cuttings

Gumi (eleagnus multiflora) is a deciduous shrub that blooms in mid-spring with fragrant, small, white flowers that produce red, cherry-shaped fruit in early summer. Gumi is grown for both its ornamental value as well as its fruit in its USDA hardiness zones 4 to 9. Gumi shrub seeds take two years to germinate, so propagation of the plant is generally done with hardwood cuttings taken when the plant has dropped its leaves.
Mix together 1/2 cup of Lysol and 2 1/2 cups of water. Place the pruning shears into a plastic tub and pour the solution over them. Allow the shears to soak for three minutes then rinse them under running water and dry thoroughly.
Select a branch to cut. It should be one that is the diameter of a pencil and growing from the lower part of the bush, near the ground.
- Gumi (eleagnus multiflora) is a deciduous shrub that blooms in mid-spring with fragrant, small, white flowers that produce red, cherry-shaped fruit in early summer.
- Gumi shrub seeds take two years to germinate, so propagation of the plant is generally done with hardwood cuttings taken when the plant has dropped its leaves.
Cut the branch just above a leaf node (where the leaves join the branch) and at a 45-degree angle.
Place the gumi cutting in a plastic bag in which you have placed a moist paper towel. Keep the bag out of direct sunlight.
Cut the gumi branch, again at 45-degree angles, into 6-inch long pieces, each containing at least two leaf nodes.
Mix together equal parts of potting soil and vermiculite, pour it into the pot and run water over it until it is saturated and the water drips from the bottom of the pot. Allow the pot to drain completely. Poke a hole in the soil for each cutting.
- Cut the branch just above a leaf node (where the leaves join the branch) and at a 45-degree angle.
Dip the angled end of each gumi cutting into the rooting hormone and then into the prepared holes in the soil. Pack the soil around the cutting. At least two leaf nodes should be buried beneath the soil.
Place the potted cuttings in an area that remains cool. Mist the gumi cuttings several times a day with the plant misting bottle. The gumi cuttings should be well established by spring when you can then plant them in their permanent locations.
Writer Bio
Based in the American Southwest, Bridget Kelly has been writing about gardening and real estate since 2005. Her articles have appeared at,,, RE/,,, and in "Chicago Agent" magazine, to name a few. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in creative writing.