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Vegetables That Grow in Acidic Soil

Most vegetables grow well in slightly acidic soil, which has a pH of between 6.0 and 7.0. Some vegetables thrive in very acidic soil. Other vegetables prefer soil that is alkaline, such as some types of zucchini. Luckily, there are many more common vegetables that grow well in acidic soil than in alkaline soil. In addition, it is much easier to lower the acidity of soil than to raise it.


Potatoes love acidic soil. White potatoes can thrive even in soil with a 5.0 pH level. In fact, the average potato has an acid level of 5.6. Not only that, but potatoes are low-care vegetables, making them easy for children to plant and grow, and almost everyone likes to eat potatoes, which means you will be able consume all of even a bumper crop.

  • Most vegetables grow well in slightly acidic soil, which has a pH of between 6.0 and 7.0.
  • In addition, it is much easier to lower the acidity of soil than to raise it.


Carrots also prefer strongly acidic soil; anything between 5.0 and 6.0. Another easy-to-plant vegetable, carrots are a hardy and versatile plant. They can be eaten raw, cooked, or used in any number of recipes, including desserts. Carrots are also fun to harvest--children love to give them a good yank to get them out of the ground.


Beets are attractive not only for their edible roots, but for their nutritious and tasty greens as well. These vegetables like acidic soil with a pH range in the mid-6.0s. Too much acidity, however, and the beets will be stunted. Beets grow well in cool climates and can continue to produce from early summer well into the fall.

  • Carrots also prefer strongly acidic soil; anything between 5.0 and 6.0.
  • Beets are attractive not only for their edible roots, but for their nutritious and tasty greens as well.


Cabbage is not only high in nutrients, but is also known to boost the immune system. The plant, which comes in shades of green, purple and red, is also sometimes grown as an ornamental in fall gardens or containers. This cool-climate vegetable prefers slightly acidic soil with a pH range between 5.6 and 6.6.


Like carrots, cucumber thrives in slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 5.0 to 6.0. Unlike carrots, however, cucumbers do best in warm climates. In fact, these vegetable seeds should be planted in warm soil for germination to occur, and mulched in the spring to maintain soil warmth and moisture. Many types of cucumbers, including the Straight 8 variety, are very hardy and perfect for home gardens.

  • Cabbage is not only high in nutrients, but is also known to boost the immune system.
  • Like carrots, cucumber thrives in slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 5.0 to 6.0.

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