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How to Grow English Ivy in a Pot

English Ivy is a classic vine with both formal and casual appeal. When it is allowed to climb up a brick wall or iron fence, it looks majestic; when sprawling over a shuttered window or a low stone path, it creates a homey, cottage feeling. However, it's such an enthusiastic grower that it can become invasive. Growing it in a pot allows you to have the look and maintain control.

Pick out a growing container that is long and shallow rather than short and deep. Since English Ivy is a vine, it will either spill over the edges of the container or grab onto anything nearby and grow up it.

Check for adequate drainage in the bottom of the container; if there are no holes, add some.

  • English Ivy is a classic vine with both formal and casual appeal.
  • Since English Ivy is a vine, it will either spill over the edges of the container or grab onto anything nearby and grow up it.

Put in a layer of gravel or small pebbles.

Fill the pot to 2 inches below the rim with a rich potting soil mix; container-grown plants need a very rich soil for good growth.

Make a few little holes with your fingers and place the English Ivy seedlings in the holes; space them out evenly around the container. Spread the dirt back over and pat it down gently, then water the whole container and allow it to drain.

Water the container regularly or whenever you notice that the soil surface is dry.

Fertilize the ivy with slow-release fertilizer spikes to ensure adequate nutrients as the plants continues to grow.

Train the ivy as you wish it to grow; you can train some up a trellis or free-standing support and let the rest drape down over the container for a dramatic look.

  • Put in a layer of gravel or small pebbles.
  • Make a few little holes with your fingers and place the English Ivy seedlings in the holes; space them out evenly around the container.

Trim the ivy if the container gets overfull or looks messy; use sharp pruning shears to trim off any broken or damaged vines close to the base, then trim off any weak, small, or unneeded vines from the plant.

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