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Norfolk Pine Trees

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    what-is-the-average-lifespan-of-a-norfolk-pine-tree?">What Is the Average Lifespan of a Norfolk Pine Tree?

    Norfolk pine trees in an optimum tropical environment, such as their native soil in Australia and Norfolk Island, can live up to 150 years. Norfolk pine trees can survive indoors as well as outdoors, yet for longer survival they do best out of doors.

    Norfolk pine trees in an optimum tropical environment, such as their native soil in Australia and Norfolk Island, can live up to 150 years. Norfolk pine trees can survive indoors as well as outdoors, yet for longer survival they do best out of doors.

    diseases-of-the-norfolk-island-pine-tree">Diseases of the Norfolk Island Pine Tree


    A fungal disease, anthracnose causes needles to dry up and slowly die. The branches begin to turn brown and the dead needles drop. Among the dead needle tissue are visible black fungal bodies. Use care when watering your Norfolk Island pine. Do not wet the foliage; this will help prevent the disease from taking hold.

    • Norfolk pine trees in an optimum tropical environment, such as their native soil in Australia and Norfolk Island, can live up to 150 years.
    • Norfolk pine trees can survive indoors as well as outdoors, yet for longer survival they do best out of doors.

    Branch Droop

    Norfolk Island pines growing in a location with low light intensity will droop their branches excessively, while the trunk continues to grow straight. In addition, new growth is sparse and develops poorly. Move plants to a brighter location or place under artificial growing lights.

    Root Rot

    Norfolk Island pines that seem to be growing more slowly than usual are often suffering from root rot if they also show signs of wilting. When removed from the pot, the roots are small, brownish-black, soft and rotting. To prevent root rot, use sterilized potting soil. Do not allow the soil to dry out between waterings and do not saturate it; maintain soil at an even level of moisture to the extent possible.

    • Norfolk Island pines growing in a location with low light intensity will droop their branches excessively, while the trunk continues to grow straight.

    how-to-care-for-a-norfolk-island-pine-houseplant">How to Care for a Norfolk Island Pine Houseplant

    Step 1

    Place the Norfolk Island pine in an area of your home that receives indirect sunlight. Rotate the plant once a week if the light is coming from one direction. Ideal temperatures should be 68 to 72 degrees during the day and 50 to 55 degrees at night.

    Step 2

    Water when the top layer of the soil is dry. Place in the sink and run lukewarm water into the pot just until the water runs out of the drainage holes. This plant cannot tolerate saturated soil.

    Step 3

    Fertilize with a water-soluble fertilizer for houseplants every 4 to 6 months for young Norfolk pines and every 3 to 4 months for older ones. Avoid fertilizing during the winter months. Follow the directions on the label for proper amount and usage.

    • Place the Norfolk Island pine in an area of your home that receives indirect sunlight.
    • Rotate the plant once a week if the light is coming from one direction.

    Step 4

    Provide a humid environment. According to the Purdue University Extension, it needs 50 percent humidity. Increase moisture by using a humidifier.

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